Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A Brief Hiatus

Hey, everybody. I won't be posting for a while, probably two or three weeks. I'm not going away, I will be back, this isn't an emergency...

I just need to put up a better blog.

When I went over the last year's worth of posts looking for the best material, less than one in ten posts were really worth reading. A couple of my writing pals have recently started blogs (Miranda Suri and Amy Sundberg, for the record) whose quality is rock-solid, and that made me cast a squinty green eye over my own work.

Plus? If I'm going to spend the amount of time working on this blog that I do, I want something to show for it. I want at least the possibility of a book coming out of this thing.

When I started this blog, I wrote, "Right, so I'm a former toilet cleaner, ditch digger, and box hucker with a screwed-up back looking for a new career as a writer/artist. This isn't as ridiculous as it sounds on the surface..."

It's about three years later, and I have made real progress, but I still have a long way to go. I need to start moving faster.

So next year? Here's the deal. I post twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The posts will be properly written and revised rather than just farted out sideways the way I've been doing.

And they will be intended to provide the basis for a book. The subject of the book? The story of my recovery from being a loser, of course.

I just hope I don't prove premature in my predictions...


EFKelley said...

Properly Written? What is that? I don't understand... ;-)

Let me know if I can be of assistance!

ada said...

I'm amazed that you can fart sideways instead of it just going behind you.

Amy said...

I'm glad to have inspired you! Can't wait until you start blogging again.

Sean Craven said...

Eric, it's just that I looked at the blog and gave it that familiar grade -- 'Fails to live up to potential.'

Ada, I regret to say that you just reminded me of that horrible old joke that ends with, "Wrecked 'em? Hell, it killed the son of a bitch!"

Amy, one of the great things that I've learned as an artist is that every time you get an impulse to step up your game, you take it.

And I've already started work on the next posts.

Rob Pierce - 2 Verbs said...

I think it's strictly a choice of what you want your blog to be. Specific goals with specific deadlines may work well for you. I would hate Tuesday/Thursday myself, as I'd always be running ballistic for that Thursday deadline, and I've enjoyed what you've done with this blog. But if it has to be better, who am I to complain? Cheers.