Wednesday, September 10, 2008

You're not fooling anyone you lazy bastard.
You're going to run out of these and have to start
drawing again any day now.

I've been coloring images for the Bonelands art show, behold an example above. This has turned out to be a much more painstaking and experimental process than I'd expected -- which is fine. Right now I'm just finding myself frustrated by lack of time and energy while being much more productive than I usually am.

It's necessary to look at literally every single pixel in an image; as in writing, review and revision are critical. I'm finding that the initial colors I select for an image are subject to radical change once I've got them in place. I'm looking forward to learning more about color adjustment and manipulation.

And the novel is taking the hit. I need to work on a schedule, he said for the godzillionth time. Wouldn't it be just ducky if I spent an hour a day on the books for each class, if I did a sketchbook page, if I tried to be more of a fuckin' grownup...

Ah, well. I've got a couple of hours right now so I'm gonna go novelize so hard it makes my eyes rotate. Stand back, it's time for a quiet visionary moment!

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